MPA Braunschweig
The cooperative partnership of MPA Braunschweig and iBMB comprises about 200 highly qualified staff from a wide range of disciplines. They form the basis for comprehensive and interdisciplinary project handling and problem solving. Naturally this requires a high level of manual skills, as well as technical expertise and scientific knowledge. This symbiosis of expertise and experience and the synergies it creates are vital to ensure delivery of the broad range of services at a high professional level.
About us
Testing – Classification – Monitoring – Assessment – Certification
The Braunschweig Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute (MPA) was founded as an independent state institution in 1962. It is supervised by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment and Transport for carrying out the following tasks:
- Implementation of mechanical, chemical, physical and electrical tests of construction materials, basic materials and structures for quality assessment, strength research or for the prevention of damage to property or personal injuries
- Testing and monitoring of industrial and other products for their conformance with technical requirements or specifications in legal or administrative regulations, standards, delivery terms, quality requirements or agreements
- Consultancy and information for the promotion of industry
- Tests and evaluations for compliance with building authority requirements or other expert requirements
- Approval tests of new construction materials and construction methods
- Development and improvement of test procedures, machines and new technologies
- Collaboration in the creation of standards and directives at national and international level
The MPA Braunschweig offers a broad range of services and coherent concepts, from expert solutions for simple tasks to the clarification of complex issues.
Fire protection, structural integrity and sealing of structures have developed into key activities.
The MPA Braunschweig is recognised as a testing, monitoring and certification body on the basis of the German State Building Codes and is also notified as a testing laboratory (system 3) and a certification body (systems 1+, 1 and 2+) in accordance with the German Construction Products Act (BauPG) and/or in accordance with the EU Construction Products Regulation.
It also hold accreditations as a testing laboratory (ISO/IEC 17025) and a certification body (ISO/IEC 17065).
Facts and figures
The MPA Braunschweig is a state institution, supervised by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment and Transport.
The MPA Braunschweig currently has approximate 115 employees, around one quarter of them are women. Together with the iBMB, the MPA Braunschweig invests in the training of qualified junior staff. For several decades, apprenticeships in three professions have been provided on a continuous basis.

Test equipment
A total of approximate 300 test devices are available for the comprehensive testing business. With premises of about 30,000 m² and a floor area of 16,000 m², MPA Braunschweig has become one of Germany’s largest testing facilities of this kind in the past 50 years.

The MPA Braunschweig shares its location with the Institute for Building Materials, Concrete Construction & Fire Protection of Technische Universität Braunschweig, in the middle of the eastern campus of TU Braunschweig.
Since moving to this location in 1963, the premises have grown to their current size of approx. 27,000 m². Today, the nine halls provide an available area of approx. 15,000 m² in total, in which both the test equipment as well as office space are located.
History of the MPA Braunschweig
Tradition – Quality – Competence
- 1922 Foundation of a construction product laboratory in the Civil Engineering Department of Technische Hochschule Braunschweig
- 1930's Foundation of an Institute for Construction Material Science in the Department of Architecture in the mid-1930's
- 1949 Foundation of the Lower Saxony State Materials Testing Institute (NMPA)
- 1959 Appointment of Prof. Karl Kordina as director
- 1961 Start of the new construction in Beethovenstraße
- 1963 Conversion of the NMPA into the Centre for Official Material Testing in Lower Saxony (ZAMP)
- 1963 Renaming of the Institute to "Institute for Construction Material Science and Reinforced Concrete Construction" and creation of an independent "Official Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute"
- 1965 Commencement of operations at the new location in Beethovenstraße

- 1968 Appointment of Prof. Gallus Rehm as director
- 1972 Start of the establishment of the special research area "Fire behaviour of structural members"
- 1976 Appointment of Prof. Ferdinand Rostásy as director
- 1987 Appointment of Prof. Horst Falkner as one of two directors
- 1993 Commissioning of the flue gas cleaning plant
- 1995 First accreditation on the basis of DIN EN 45001
- 1996 Building authority approval as a testing, monitoring and certification body in accordance with the State Building Code
- 1998 Appointment of Prof. Harald Budelmann as one of two directors
- 1999 Conversion of the Official Materials Testing Institute into the Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute (MPA)
- 1999 Cooperation agreement between MPA Braunschweig and TU Braunschweig
- 2002 Reorganisation of material testing in Lower Saxony, reduction of the MPAs from 5 to 3, allocation of state funding to be reduced to zero by 2006
- 2003 Recognition in accordance with the German Construction Products Act (BauPG) as a testing, monitoring and certification body with subsequent notification in accordance with the Construction Products Directive in Brussels
- 2006 Appointment of Prof. Martin Empelmann
- 2010 Appointment of Prof. Bohumil Kasal
- 2013 Appointment of Prof. Jochen Zehfuß
- 2017 Appointment of Prof. Dirk Lowke
The executive committee of MPA Braunschweig

Scientific Division
Professor Dr.-Ing. Martin Empelmann
- since 2006 member of the Executive Committee of the Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute (MPA BS) in Braunschweig
- since 2006 University Professor and Head of the Division of Concrete Construction at the Institute of Building Materials, Concrete Construction and Fire Protection of TU Braunschweig.
Professor Dr.-Ing. Dirk Lowke
- since 2017 member of the Executive Committee of the Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute (MPA BS) in Braunschweig
- since 2017 University Professor and Head of the Division of Building Materials at the Institute of Building Materials, Concrete Construction and Fire Protection of TU Braunschweig.
Professor Dr.-Ing. Jochen Zehfuß
- since 2017 member of the Executive Committee of the Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute (MPA BS) in Braunschweig
- since 2013 University Professor and Head of the Division of Fire Safety at the Institute of Building Materials, Concrete Construction and Fire Protection of TU Braunschweig.
Commercial / Technical Division
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Rusack
- Head of the Commercial / Technical Division of the Braunschweig Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute (MPA BS) in Braunschweig
Mission Statement
Company Principles
- We are a public, neutral and independent partner for issues related to safety, reliability, quality and efficiency in the construction industry.
- We are a customer and technology-focused service company.
- The cornerstones of our performance are motivated and qualified employees, state of the art technology, awareness of costs and deadlines, as well as cooperation.
Our customer approach
- We aim to serve our customers.
- We want to be partners and problem solvers to our customers.
- Our objective is the success and trust of our customers, based on many years of experience.
- It goes without saying that we offer a flexible approach to the various requirements of our customers.
Scope of services
- Our key activities are fire protection and redevelopments, which are being actively expanded. The activity areas of mechanics, insulation, chemistry and sealing of structures complement our key activities and form the basis for a wide range of technical services.
- We render services to industry in the testing, monitoring, approval and certification of construction products and construction methods.
- We provide information, testing, consultancy and assessment in the development and application of construction products and construction methods and for redevelopments.
- Our close cooperation with the Institute for Building Materials, Concrete Construction & Fire Protection of TU Braunschweig, ensures an intensive transfer of knowledge and technology between research and material testing.
- Through our services, we contribute to the promotion and development of the construction industry.
Our employees
- The employees of the MPA and the iBMB are at the heart of our company. They create the foundation for our success.
- Motivation, commitment and team spirit form the essential basis for our activities. Our work and leadership approach is characterised by cooperation and mutual support. We take joint responsibility for the results of our work as a team.
- The motivation and further qualification, as well as the promotion of communication and personal responsibility of our employees are considered to be key management tasks.
- Comprehensive initial and further training, equal support of employees and an ideal working environment are important company objectives.
Our executive committee

Proofs of competence
In most areas of the construction industry, formal proof of competence is required to act as a testing, monitoring or certification body. Based on the Lower Saxony Building Code (NBauO) in conjunction with an approval regulation (PÜZAVO) for all states of the Federal Republic of Germany, the MPA Braunschweig is approved by the building authorities/according to building laws for the respective state building code.
- Regulated and non-regulated construction products and construction methods in accordance with Construction Products List A - Parts 1 to 3
- Construction products with general building inspection approval
- The testing laboratory for the monitoring of manufacturers of construction products and users of construction methods
- The monitoring body for the monitoring of activities in conjunction with construction products and construction methods
The aim here is the use of conformity marks (Ü mark).
The approval in accordance with the German Construction Products Act (BauPG) mostly refers to construction products in accordance with Construction Products List B, i.e. European harmonised products. The MPA Braunschweig is approved as a testing laboratory (system 3) and a certification body (systems 1+, 1, and 2+), and is therefore notified in accordance with the EU CPR.
Here, the objective is the use of the CE mark for the labelling of products.
For the international movement of goods, the MPA Braunschweig also has numerous accreditations for
- Two testing laboratories and a calibration laboratory in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025
- A certification body for products in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065.
Structures are of major importance in daily life. This concerns safety (e.g. fire protection and structural integrity) and usability (e.g. loadbearing capacity and durability), hygiene (e.g. wastewater disposal and indoor air pollution) as well as sound insulation, indoor climate, the environment and sustainability.
One of the central objectives of European unification was the creation of conditions for the free movement of goods within the European Union. The global goal to strengthen the competitiveness of European industry therefore requires the dismantling of trade barriers. While construction continues to regulated individually by the member states, construction products fall within the scope of trade harmonisation.
EU Construction Products Regulation
In Europe, numerous and varied construction techniques and construction traditions have developed in the different regions over the centuries. That is why harmonising the different regulations is a complex process for all member states. The EU Construction Products Regulation (EU CPR) dated April 2011 is a further step by the EU Commission towards the approximation of the laws.
Notified testing and certification body in accordance with EU CPR
Since 2003, the MPA Braunschweig has been offering testing, monitoring and certification services based on European harmonised regulations. Since June 2013, it is authorised to issue test reports and certificates in the harmonised area in accordance with EU CPR for a wide range of different construction products.
Examples of global activities outside of Europe
- International customer structure: Tests commissioned from more than 60 different countries from all five continents across the world have been performed in the test halls of the MPA Braunschweig.
- Representatives of the MPA Braunschweig travel to many different European countries or the U.S. to carry out external monitoring of manufacturers.
- Export of fire protection products to the Arab world: The certification body has comprehensive experience with import authorities, for instance, in particular with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Emirate of Qatar.

Training courses
At the MPA Braunschweig, the wealth of experience of our employees goes hand in hand with state-of-the-art science. Through cooperation with the Institute for Building Materials, Concrete Construction & Fire Protection of TU Braunschweig, the Braunschweig Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute is always informed about the latest research developments, which are immediately incorporated into the work of the MPA. The MPA Braunschweig offers a range of targeted training options to transfer its know-how to others.
Training courses at the MPA
Are you interested in subject-specific information?
Would you like to find out how your products are tested at the MPA Braunschweig, with further information on the certification of your product or the applicable standards?
Are you interested in a different subject?
Please get in touch with your contact at the MPA and we will be pleased to organise a corresponding training course for you at our premises.
On-site training courses
Naturally, the employees of the MPA Braunschweig can also visit your premises and provide training courses on-site. Simply get in touch with your contact at the MPA to jointly coordinate the ideal course for your requirements.

Quality Management System
For its testing laboratories, the MPA Braunschweig operates a quality management system accredited by the DAP (German Accreditation System for Testing) since 1995 and by the DAkkS (German National Accreditation Body) since 2000.
The inspection body was accredited in 2001 and the certification body in 2007 by DAP/DAkkS.
Click here to view our accreditations >
The QM system of the MPA Braunschweig ensures that
- each of their testing laboratories complies with the "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
- the certification body complies with the "General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems" in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065.
- according to Chapter 7.9 of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 2018-03, the Materials Testing Institute for Civil Engineering (MPA BS) as accredited testing and calibration laboratory provides a documented practice for the receipt, assessment and decision-making in connection with complaints. Your complaint will be accepted via a form – we therefore kindly ask you to follow this link and complete, print, sign and send it to us by post or email with the subject “Complaint” to the following address:
Quality principles of the MPA Braunschweig
- Continuous quality assurance
The principles of our quality policy are ensured through systematic and comprehensive quality assurance in accordance with national or international state of the art, in all phases of service delivery, at all management levels and in all workplaces. - High quality of services
The services are characterised by a high level of quality – from the first contact with the customer to premium customer service even after the order is complete. - Thorough analysis of requirements
The quality of the services provided starts with the thorough and methodical determination of the testing, monitoring or certification requirements. All the objectives of the quality management system are focused on attaining high-quality, reliable and safe results. - Application of up-to-date procedures
The procedures to be used are determined by the MPA Braunschweig after consultation with the customer. This can include consultancy in the sense of clarifying issues; but under no circumstances must the customer be influenced in their decision-making process. The procedures are based on the current standards and directives and take into account the respective state-of-the-art technology.
Your contact person

Cooperation partners
The MPA Braunschweig and the iBMB – two institutions, one unit
The MPA Braunschweig maintains a particularly close cooperation with the Institute for Building Materials, Concrete Construction & Fire Protection of TU Braunschweig, as both institutions share the premises and facilities in Beethovenstraße. Customers benefit from this close cooperation, because
- industrial practice (MPA) and application-oriented research (iBMB) are closely linked.
- the exchange of know-how and technical expertise is facilitated by the professional and geographic proximity.
- the findings gained in research and development can be incorporated more quickly into material testing.
- the industry requirements for new research and new test procedures can be forwarded directly to research by the MPA.
Memberships / Committees
Committee work and memberships – transparency and comparability
The Braunschweig Civil Engineering Materials Testing Institute (MPA) contributes to the technical work of more than 40 associations, either as an institution or through individual employees. This networking and the regular contact with experts are significant factors in the continuous updating of the expert knowledge of the MPA Braunschweig.
In detail, this involves the following organisations:
- ABM Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Brandschutzlaboratorien Deutscher Materialprüfanstalten
- ACI American Concrete Institute
- BAST Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen
- BDB Bund Deutscher Baumeister, Architekten und Ingenieure e.V.
- CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation (Europäisches Komitee für Normung)
- DAfStb Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton im DIN
- DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle
- DBV Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnik Verein e.V.
- DIBt Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik
- DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
- EA European co-operation for Accreditation
- EGOLF European Group of Official Laboratories for Fire Testing
- Eurolab Chemische Analytik, Mess- und Prüftechnik e.V.
- ESSA Europea Security Systems Association
- fib - International Federation for Structural Concrete
- FVID Fachverband Innendämmung e.V.
- ISO Internationale Organisation für Normung
- IVTH Internationalen Verein für Technische Holzfragen e.V.
- IVBH/IABSE Internationale Vereinigung für Brückenbau und Hochbau International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
- RAL Gütezeichen
- RILEM Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Matériaux, Systèmes de Constructions et Ouvrages International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures
- Vfdb Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes e.V.
- VDB Verband Deutscher Betoningenieure e.V.
- VDI Verein deutscher Ingenieure
- VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
- VMPA Verband der Materialprüfungsanstalten e. V.
- WTA Wissenschaftlich-technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Denkmalpflege und Bauwerkserhaltung e. V.
Advantages in the Civil Service
Employment in the civil service offers many advantages:
- a secure workplace with good pension provision
- regular working hours
- a family-friendly HR policy (e.g. through part-time and flexible working hours)
- varied tasks with good training and career opportunities
Job offers and apprenticeships of the State of Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony – an employer featuring diversity
Please visit the careers portal of the State of Lower Saxony for additional job vacancies and apprenticeships:
Apprenticeships at the MPA / iBMB Braunschweig
Together with the iBMB, the MPA Braunschweig invests in the training of qualified junior staff.
For several decades, apprenticeships in three professions have been provided on a continuous basis.
- Construction material testers examine soils, construction products, raw construction materials and binding agents, contaminated areas and recycling materials. They take samples, carry out measurements and tests and document the results.
- Industrial mechanics produce equipment parts and components for machines and production plants, set them up or convert them. They monitor and optimise production processes and carry out repair and maintenance tasks.
- IT specialists in application development design and implement software projects in accordance with customer requirements. For this purpose, they analyse and design IT systems. In addition to this, they provide user training.
The application and selection process is managed by the HR Department of TU Braunschweig. Apprenticeships are advertised in the local press and on the homepage of TU Braunschweig.